The homeschooling community has the opportunity and potential like none other to revolutionize what education could look like.

Donating to the homeschooling community is an investment in improving the culture in our society.

  • Over the years, the schools have stripped teachers of their ability to properly discipline children, in part due to larger class sizes; limited teaching about morality; and, most importantly, taken God and His ways out of the classroom.  In contrast, at Loving to Learn, we teach students in small groups and teach from a biblical Christian worldview.

  • Many parents in the school system today support and back the kids more than the teachers. In homeschooling, when the parents have the kids 24/7, discipline becomes a priority for survival. Respectful and obedient children are essential for quality and fun learning. Loving to Learn parents are present at each school day and are available to handle difficult situations as they arise throughout the school day. In addition, there are more experienced moms there to come alongside and mentor parents who are less sure of how to handle challenging situations.

  • Though multi-age teaching is challenging, it is typical in the homeschooling community. Studies have shown that kids develop best around other kids who are two years older or two years younger than themselves. This is because the younger ones strive to be what the older ones are, and the older ones want to live up to their role as mentors. 

  • When homeschool parents team up with other homeschooling parents, as occurs in Loving to Learn, kids get the benefit of not just one teacher’s talents but the talents and support of the other parents as well.

  • Parents who have taken on the challenge to homeschool their children are fully committed to their children’s education, as they have a vested interest in the outcome. Support the educators who care the most, because the students are their own.

Why support homeschool education?

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"Galatians 6:2 'Carry each other's burden's and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.' In my family's journey to homeschool our children, having such devoted friends to come alongside us was valuable. Our burden was lightened because it was carried together. That model of thinking is at the core of Loving to Learn. Ronald Reagan said it best, 'There is not limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.' Loving to Learn is building up families and helping to raise up the next generation of Godly men and women.

"Loving to Learn is...helping to raise up the next generation of Godly men and women.

"My husband and I have eight children, and currently we are still homeschooling our six youngest. Our family has been part of Loving to Learn for about 15 years. I can honestly say that this group is the heartbeat of our homeschool, and our LTL days are the highlight of our week. Tammi has created something that is so much more than a co-op. Like-minded families, whose primary goal is to bring their children up in a God honoring way, come together to learn, mentor, and support each other."

"This group is the heartbeat of our homeschool!"

Loving to Learn has been an amazing experience for our children! Our homeschool days with Loving to Learn is what our kids look forward to throughout the school year. By bringing history to life, Loving to Learn exposes the kids to not only the history, but the science, art, and culture of the time period they are studying. Loving to learn offers a one of a kind curriculum and experience that fosters students gaining a love for learning. A love of learning that will continue throughout their lives.

Loving to Learn exposes kids to history, science, art, and culture..."


Quick Stats:

20+ years

150+ families


(Just look at these storage units that hold all of our incredible costumes, props, materials, and supplies! They're stuffed! And don't forget the living room that is full of lively fun! )

What's the future of Loving to Learn?

in other words...

what we're doing is so loved by the community that we're bursting at the seams!

Will you consider donating to operating costs and help us fund a future building?

Now, more than ever, parents are looking for support in their educational journey with their kids. 

We currently run Loving to Learn out of families’ homes, where we host 80-250 people at a time.  

This is taxing on family homes and limits growth. Loving to Learn would like to open a Learning Center in the Green Valley/Sahuarita community. 

We would run our co-op out of this center, and it would be a place where other families could find resources to make the education of their children more enriching, get questions answered pertaining to homeschooling, and be a place where homeschoolers could meet for individual classes and tutoring. 

Donate now

Help us reach our initial goal of $500,000 for land for a new building and operating fees!

Find out more about what makes Loving to Learn so essential for students.

Have a special experience in history you would be willing to share with our students?

Support the future of Loving to Learn in your community by donating today.

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