Loving to Learn is the
real-life version of the Magic School Bus

The parents each contribute their time, talents, and resources to create an environment where kids experience what they are studying through science, math, reading, writing, costumes, painted sets, props, art, music, cooking, dance, and field trips.

At Loving to Learn, children get more than facts and head knowledge.


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September 2021 As we continued our studies of the 1900s, we took a day to explore WWI. One topic was trench warfare and the use of tanks. The children made trench cakes and trenched in the sandbox. The kids also made periscopes and got to try on a gas mask. We had a center that […]

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September 2021 America is a country made of many cultures. Through learning from one another and sharing our traditions, customs, and even foods, we have created a unique country. At the turn of the century, we had a huge influx of immigration. Many of the people in our homeschool group can trace their heritage to […]

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Loving to Learn has been studying about the 1800s for the past two years (2019- 2021). To culminate our 1800s study and kick off the next school year, when we will be studying the 1900s, we had a World’s Fair to represent the various World’s Fairs of the turn-of-the-century. It began with the Buffalo Bill […]

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